Mission: To foster a lifelong network of dedicated individuals committed to promoting health equity and advocacy within our communities, while using our experiences to support the next generation of leaders.
Benefits: The YAC Alumni Network creates a space for alumni to share resources and opportunities with each other and with current Youth Advisors. It also allows the YAC Alumni to maintain their connection with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Within the Alumni Network, members are able to be nominated and selected as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Creative Director..
Eligibility: To become a member of the YAC Alumni Network, you must have served as a Youth Advisor on the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Youth Advisory Council for a minimum of one year. Alumni Network members should be comfortable with other Alumni and Youth Advisors reaching out to them about their biography. Alumni Members are also eligible to become more active within the network and conduct workshops during monthly Youth Advisory Council meetings to share their knowledge with the current cohort.
YAC Alumni Network Contact:
Arnav Kacker
YAC Alumni Network Council Coordinator